Monday, April 11, 2011

Time to Bid Adieu

Alright so as you may have noticed, this blog has come to an end. Welcome to my last entry folks. I'm considering starting a new site for my future adventures but that's just an idea down the road somewhere.

My final thoughts for readers - travel whenever you can. But do keep a budget in mind so you're not struggling so much upon returning to that familiar place called home. It's been a year since my solo trip to India and I don't regret the voyage one bit. I get very nostalgic when I browse through the photos I captured and the lovely people I met. And I'm extra thankful to my Montreal friends and family who helped me stick through some of the low times I experienced as well.  

My past year at home has been extra fabulous! I didn't realise it immediately but as I reflect back the trip has opened my mind in a lot of ways. I'm following my heart and letting those sneaky doubts subside. I'm doing a lot more journalistic work than ever before and I'm meeting a lot of wonderful people; this is just the beginning though.

In a few months time I'll be pursuing an M.A in my favourite city - New York City! There's so much I have to get done in the short time that's left in between, so the hustle and bustle of life continues!

Wish me luck! Thank you for reading! And happy travels!